Tag Archives: office renovation

Spider Relocation Project Status: COMPLETE!

Yes, it’s true! The Shed-to-New-Office Renovation (Aka Spider Relocation Project) is (mostly) complete!

Final spider relocation tally:

Spiders Successfully Relocated: 60
Spiders Lost During Relocation: 4 (not including that sac of eggs I threw out)
Spiders Misplaced During Relocation: 2
Spiders I Allowed to Stay: 2 (but they’re very small)


And now for the coolest part of the whole deal (TRY not to be TOO jealous). You see the white & orange frames on the wall on the bottom photograph? Those are painted on magnetic whiteboards. I know! I first painted on the metal paint, then the white board paint, and PRESTO!

The first message is from my GBF. It says “I feel like I’m on the inside of a melon.” It’s true. My office feels fruity. But that’s a pretty happy place to be, I figure.
Five weeks from start to finish!


Filed under renovation, writing life

The Spider Relocation Project (AKA Office Renovation) @ 3:15 AM

A RECAP (with spiders)

Shared Office with Hubster

Current office space.




AKA The Shed


The Shed has been home to random
boxiness since we moved in almost
3 years ago.



The Shed-to-Den-of-Awesomeness
project begins.

And the current inhabitants are
going to have to move.


After a lot of heavy lifting
and the relocation of 37 spiders
(32 Daddy Longlegs and 5 Wolf Spiders)

We have . . . empty space!

And the spider relocation project is a success!

Jar of Spiders

However, they revisited me in my dreams during the 3:15 Experiment.

from The 3:15 Experiment
August 7, 2010

A jar of spiders in the sun
daddy long-legs paddling the air
they must be relocated
re launched     spider astronauts
flying in the wind
through space     moments before
touching down on cement block or
woodpile they hold their breath
count one . . . two . . .

I’m not interested in the relocation of spiders
merely the poetic parachute
the lightness of being
the silence of godliness
spiderness is next to godliness
the descent of spiderkind
moment fleeting without
any barbarianism
without ego smash
without combustion
without pushing aside
they catch the breeze
drop without hesitation
into the new void

~ ~ ~

I love how I interrupt the poem in the 2nd half. I remember thinking to myself, “No, I don’t want to write about the process of the relocation of spiders, I want to say something about how beautiful it was when they floated away.”


Filed under cool poop, domestic poop, renovation, The 3:15 Experiment